Thursday 29 March 2012

Pillow Wig

Strange, weird, stupid, ugly, dumb, hilarious(in a bad way) this list could go on and on.
So pretty much this is a really uncool product.....0.5/10
Smallest gun ever(hopefully not dangerous)

You know how they say great things come in small packages well this is a great example.
If someone is annoying you just shot em and know one will know. This product is so cool....8/10

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Toilet Suitcase

Gross but kinda funny:) weird but really amusing!!!! even though this product puts a smile on  my face in a weird way this is a really uncool product....1/10:(

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Magnetic putty
Thinking putty with mind-blowing magnetic propertiesThis is not your average $2 shop putty is it. This putty is  magnetic, you can almost bring it alive. You could probably, even make it your own pet   (na not really that would weird)...but this product isn't, i give it a 8/10 :)

Tuesday 20 March 2012

 Message Toaster
Who has time to write on a piece of toast in the morning. If you do, you need to get a life.  You wouldn't be able to read that early in the day. You would still be half asleep. This product is soooooo uncool :(...........1/10
Pick Punch
Create your own guitar picks using old credit cards, gift cards, plastic tops and more.
How convenient is this?  Every guitar player should have one.   Picks are so easy to loose but you'll never loose the Pick Punch.   You will have a supply of picks for the rest of your rocking life...This product is sooooo hot!!!!!!  I give it a 9/10 :)